Fayrouza Kids Shop

It is a platform that provides effective educational tools and has a wide variety of tools, topics and different Curriculum.

Fill the blank

A "Fill in the Blank Activity with the Correct Letter Sound" is a learning tool designed to help learners (especially young children) improve their phonics skills by identifying and applying letter sounds.

Jolly phonics picture word

The Jolly Phonics Picture Word Tool is a teaching resource designed to support early literacy development using the Jolly Phonics method. It focuses on helping children learn the relationship between letters and sounds (phonics) by associating them with pictures and words.

Jolly phonics reading cards

The Jolly Phonics Reading Cards are a learning tool designed to help young children develop foundational reading skills. Each card focuses on a specific sound or phoneme, presenting it in a visually engaging way. A unique feature of these cards is the inclusion of dots beneath each sound in a word.

Letters and words for reading and writing

The Jolly Phonics Letters and Words for Reading and Writing tool is a versatile resource designed to support early literacy development. It is organized into two distinct groups:


PDF Products

Jolly phonics Products


A training workshop on positive discipline for mothers and coaches

Design and implementation of educational tools for teachersere

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Arabic stories L1
ARABIC stories L2
English stories L1
English stories L2

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